ANDROID OPERA TOKYO | Ebisu The Garden Hall, Tokyo


On June 18th, at Ebisu The Garden Hall, the Tokyo homecoming performance of the android opera “MIRROR,” composed and produced by Keiichiro Shibuya, took place under the title ANDROID OPERA TOKYO. This work is a large-scale theatrical production that was first staged in 2023 at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. It features a combination of the android, an orchestra, Shomyo (Buddhist chant), Shibuya’s piano performance, electronic music, as well as video and lighting. The work was initially presented at Expo 2020 Dubai in 2022 and was later re-created as a 70-minute piece. After its premiere in Paris, this is its first performance in Japan.
The first part of the performance features excerpts from the new opera “Super Angel,” which was commissioned by the New National Theatre and premiered in 2021. This opera involves children and an android in its creation. Thirty members of the “White Hand Chorus NIPPON,” a children’s choir of children with diverse backgrounds, including deaf and visual impairments, participate. In addition to Shibuya’s piano and orchestral performance, the android, and emerging artist Yuma Kishi’s AI-powered visuals, the children’s costumes are a collaboration with HATRA.
In the second part, the android “Alter 4” is the vocalist in “MIRROR.” Four Buddhist monks from Mount Koya, including Shomyo performers, participate, with young monk Tani Hoshin leading for the first time. French visual artist Justine Emard live-mix visuals for the performance. For the Tokyo performance, a 40-member orchestra gathered, with violinist Tatsuki Narita, famous in classical and contemporary music, as the concertmaster.


Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Doors Open: 6:00 PM, Performance Begins: 7:00 PM
Venue: Ebisu The Garden Hall


Part I: Super Angels Excerpts


Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenji Agata

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo

Photo by Kenshu Shintsubo