2009 10 01
渋谷慶一郎+evala 「 for maria installation version 」
「 for maria installation version 」
[新作サウンドインスタレーション / YCAM委嘱作品]
2009年10月1日(木)– 2010年1月31日(日)
会場:山口情報芸術センター[YCAM] 中庭A・B
山口県山口市中園町7-7 tel: 083-901-2222
休館日 :火曜日(祝日の場合は翌日)
今回の展示は、音楽家の渋谷慶一郎によって作曲・演奏された完全ピアノソロによる最新アルバム「ATAK015 for maria」のサウンド・データの全て(全曲トラック)を素材とし、コンピュータプログラムによって加工/解体/再構成を反復させながら、各楽曲間相互に新たな関係やレイヤーを引き直すことで、CDとは異なった全く新しい音響が生成され続けるサウンドインスタレーション作品です。
CDの128倍の解像度を持つDSDレコーディングによって精緻に録音された渋谷自身 のピアノ演奏の断片が、コンピュータプログラムによって加工・解体され、レイヤードされた音像が立体的な移動を伴い空間構成を生成していきます。元の音源が、一般的なフィールドレコーディングやコンピュータミュージックで使用されるものとは別次元の解像度を持っているため、そのプロセスは、空間に充満する音響が、煙のような有機性を伴い無限の変化を反復するよう巧妙に設計されています。空間的な可能性を開いていくために、コンピュータプログラムによって、 同じ音源とは思えないほど複雑多岐に展開されるため、来場者は常に新しい音楽と音響に出会えるようになっています。
技術協力:YCAM InterLab
Keiichiro Shibuya+evala
“for maria installation version”
new sound installation
commissioned by YCAM
Date: 2009.10.01(thu)–2010.01.31(sun)
Time: 10:00-20:00
Closed: Tuesday (the next days if it falls on a holiday) and December 29, 2009 – January 3, 2010
* Please note that this exhibition will be temporarily closed between October 26 (mon) and November 6 (fri).
Venue :Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media[YCAM], Patios
7-7 Nakazono-cho Yamaguchi-city 7530075 JAPAN
Admission: Free
New work “for maria installation version”
A sound space filled with processed,
decomposed and reconfigured piano sounds
This sound installation piece is based on data taken from the latest piano solo album “ATAK015 for maria”, composed and performed by musician Keiichiro Shibuya. Sound data of all pieces included in the CD were repeatedly processed, decomposed and reconfigured with a computer program, introducing new layers in order to redefine the relationships between the single tracks, and ultimately create a body of sound that is completely different from the CDʼs contents.
Two versions of the work are installed in two of the YCAMʼs Patios, known for their unique “wall of sound” effect, using 5.1/5.1+2 channel speakers with a distinctive sound embedded in the floor. In response to the Patiosʼ different architecture and spatial acoustics, the respective installations work with differently programmed sound. The programming by Shibuya himself together with sound artist evala was designed to create a sense of three-dimensional movement within a constantly transforming sound space and shifting sonic layers.
Fragments of a high-quality DSD recording (128 times higher resolution compared to a conventional CD) of Shibuyaʼs piano performance were processed, decomposed and layered with a special computer program, with the aim to establish a sonic environment in which sound seems to be traveling three-dimensionally. As the resolution of the original sound recording is on a totally different level from commonly used field recording or computer music data, the work was artfully conceived as an endless process of continuous transformation of sound that pervades the space as organically as smoke. Employing computer programs to fully explore the possibilities of spatial expansion, the sound processing is so complex and diverse that it is hard to believe that it is all based on the same data, presenting the visitor with music and sound that seems absolutely new.
Listening to the sound as it moves around inside the Patios gives the visitor an acoustic experience of a soundscape that is perfectly unique to this exhibition.
Organizer: Yamaguchi City Foundation for Cultural Promorion
Support: Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi City Board of Education
Cooperation: ATAK
Technical Support: YCAM InterLab
Produced by Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
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