Installation of Alter3

Venue:Mori Museum, Roppongi

Date:2019.11.19 [Tue] – 2020.3.29 [Sun]


Ikegami Laboratory, The University of Tokyo; Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (Ishiguro Lab.), Osaka University; Justine Emard; Keiichiro Shibuya

In conjunction with the display of Scary Beauty’s vocalist and conductor Alter 3 (Supperted by mixi) of Android, video art by Justine Emard, a French video artist, and video art by Shibuya music are exhibited as an installation.


Exhibition “Future and the Arts”:
AI, Robotics, Cities, Life – How Humanity Will Live Tomorrow, consisted of five sections: i.e. “New Possibilities of Cities;” “Toward Neo-Metabolism Architecture;” “Lifestyle and Design Innovations;” “Human Augmentation and Its Ethical Issues;” and “Society and Humans in Transformation,” will showcase over 100 projects/works. The exhibition will aim to encourage us to contemplate cities, environmental issues, human lifestyles and the likely state of human beings as well as human society – all in the imminent future, via cutting-edge developments in science and technology including AI, biotechnology, robotics, and AR (augmented reality), plus art, design, and architecture influenced by all these.


Ikegami Laboratory, The University of Tokyo; Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (Ishiguro Lab.), Osaka University; Justine Emard; Keiichiro Shibuya