Aoyama book center2012 07

Talk Event Keiichiro Shibuya x Tetsuya Ozaki “Media Art’s past/present/future”

“Media Art” is an experimental artistic expression in which digital media is used.
Roppongi store hold a book fair about more than 120 books and CDs of art centers such as YCAM where publishes books of musicians, artists and collections.

In addition, Keiichiro Shibuya, a musician who develops various activities ranging from installation to concerts and film/TV music, and Tetsuya Ozaki, a publisher and editor of “REALTOKYO” talk as a special event, .

Shibuya just announced about the installation of “filmachine” (2006), which won the digital music section of the international media art festival “Ars Electronica” and new opera called “THE END” with director Toshiki Okada at YCAM. Focusing on these activities, Shibuya talks about the past / present / future of media art that continues to explore new expressions.



Keiichiro Shibuya
Tetsuya Ozaki



Aoyama book center, Roppongi
2012/07/13 20:00~21:00