World Premiere of Android Opera “MIRROR” at Dubai Expo on March 2

World Premiere of Android Opera “MIRROR” at Dubai Expo on March 2

Android Opera “MIRROR,” by composer and musician Keiichiro Shibuya, will be the world premiere for @Expo 2020 Dubai at the Jubilee Stage on 2 March at 18:30.


“MIRROR” is a new opera created by Keiichiro Shibuya with the android Alter3, Eizen Fujiwara, and his 1200-year-old Buddhist music called Shomyo, and the NSO Symphony Orchestra (UAE). Alter3 sings an AI-generated text improvised to the accompaniment of Shibuya’s piano and electronic sounds and the orchestra’s performance as well as the Buddhist chants. This work explores a new model of artistic harmony, where peoples, culture, the latest technology, and the oldest Buddhist music come together.


Android Opera®︎ “MIRROR” – Keiichiro Shibuya
Date: Wednesday 2 March 2022, 18:30-19:00
Venue: Jubilee Stage, @Expo 2020 Dubai


Keiichiro Shibuya – Musician, composer
Alter 3 (Supported by mixi, Inc.)
Buddhist Music (Eizen Fujiwara, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Jien Goto, Hoshin Tani)
NSO Symphony Orchestra (UAE)


Production by: ATAK

Organizer: Japan Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai