A Live Version of The Vocaloid Opera, “THE END on The Beach” unveils in The Abu Dhabi Art Festival.

A Live Version of The Vocaloid Opera, “THE END on The Beach” unveils in The Abu Dhabi Art Festival.

A new performance “THE END on the Beach”, it is live version of The Vocaloid Opera “THE END”, will be performed in The Abu Dhabi Art Festival, Nobenver 18.
There will be a big screen and seats especially prepared for this event on the beach in Abu Dhabi. The symbolic theme “Aria” in THE END is arranged and the beat is significantly brush upped.



THE END on the Beach
Live Version of “THE END” Premiere


Date:Fri 18 Nov 2016 Start:22:30 ~ (local time)
Place: Asia de Cuba、St. Regis Corniche Beach and Night Club



Music by Keiichiro Shibuya+evala(ATAK Dance Hall)
Visual by YKBX
Sound Mix by Yoshiyuki Kanamori
Visual System by Masato Tsutsui
Visual Edit by Tomohito Wakui
Technical Coordination by So Ozaki