Keiichiro Shibuya × Kaie Murakami × Shin Suzuki × Kohichiro Shima Kettle talk show in Fukuoka

Keiichiro Shibuya × Kaie Murakami × Shin Suzuki × Kohichiro Shima Kettle talk show in Fukuoka

A public recording for “NAVIGATION” will be held in Rethink Books, Fukuoka. Keiichiro Shibuya, Kaie Murakami, Shin Suzuki and Koichiro Shima, the chied editor of “Kettle” will talk about the rules of success for loves and works.


Welcome the local peoples and the others. You can get radical talks, and hints from the members in the forefront in the each industries.



Date:Fri, 5 Aug 2016 19:00 ~ 21:00 (Open:18:30 ~ )
Price:1500+500yen 1drink