New Release ATAK019 Soundtrack for Children who won’t die, Shusaku Arakawa

New Release

ATAK019 Soundtrack for Children who won’t die, Shusaku Arakawa
Keiichiro Shibuya


2013-09-11 (ATAK Web Shop only)
2013-10-30 (public release)


ATAK Web Shop
amazon link


A genius, Shusaku Arakawa, who has continued to make a huge impact on the world with amazing works such as “Yoro Tenmei Hantenchi” as an artist and an architect.
Keiichiro Shibuya worked on the soundtrack for his documentary film “The Child Who Never Dies, Shusaku Arakawa”.
A total of 17 songs, ranging from piano solos to electronic music of new ground, over 70 minutes of dense music and 4 Arakawa paintings are included on the jacket.

The artwork of the jacket uses the painting work “Bonjour Picasso” by Shusaku Arakawa.
Designed by Ryoji Tanaka of semi-transparent design.


01 Reversible Destiny (Main Theme)
02 In Memory of Helen Keller
03 Architectural Body
04 Requiem for not to die
05 Dreaming
06 The mechanism of meaning (with Madeline Gins)
07 Reversible Destiny (Rhodes Piano version)
08 Mistake (with Madeline Gins)
09 Another Texture 1
10 Another Texture 2
11 Numbers
12 Shadow Boxing
13 Reversible Destiny (Piano Solo version)
14 drill 4
15 Landing Sites
16 Bioscleave House
17 Children who won’t die

Total Time 71’51


All Produced, Composed by Keiichiro Shibuya (ATAK)
Piano, Rhodes, Noise and Computer Programming by Keiichiro Shibuya (ATAK)

Voice by Tr.6, 8 by Madeline Gins
Recorded by Takashi Ikegami (Tokyo University)

Recorded for Piano and Rhodes on Tr.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 17 by Yoshiyuki Kanamori (Oasis sound design inc.)

Mastered by Kimken (kimken studio)

Art works by Shusaku Arakawa “Bonjour Picasso” 1973
Designed by Ryoji Tanaka (ATAK, Semitransparent Design)
Printed by Graph

©Madeline Gins, courtesy of ABRF, Inc.