sound work shop by keiichiro shibuya


Sound Workshop by Keiichiro Shibuya
Place:  Tokyo Zokei University, Computer Studio A, Room 7-403

September 14 (Thu) 13:20 – 16:30
September 28 (Thu) 13:20 – 16:30
October 5 (Thu) 13:20 – 16:30
October 19 (Thu) 13:20 – 16:30
October 26 (Thu) 13:20 – 16:30
November 2 (Thu) 13:20 – 16:30 (Review Session @ Apple Ginza)


This special lecture is aimed at students of Tokyo Zokei University and will cover sound lectures, composition, and anti-composition methods using computers. It will be conducted in a workshop style, where participants will attempt to compose music using the software Hyper Prism, followed by guidance on their compositions.

External participants can apply to join the workshop by September 28. Additionally, both internal and external students are welcome to bring their own computers to participate.