Soundtrack for Children who won't die, Shusaku Arakawa
Keiichiro Shibuya

11 September 2013 Released

Tr. 15
Landing Sites Madeline Gins and Arakawa


Were nothing being apportioned out, no world could form. What is being apportioned out, no one is able to say. That which is being apportioned out is in the process of landing. To be apportioned out involves being cognizant of sites.To be cognizant of a site amounts to having greeted it in some manner or to having in some way landed on it. There is that which gets apportioned out as the world. There is an apportioning out that can register and an apportioning out that happens more indeterminately.A systematic approximating of how things are apportioned out should be possible.


The body is sited. As that which initiates pointing, selecting, electing, determining, and considering, it may be said to originate (read co-originate) all sites. Organism – person – environment consists of sites and would – be sites. An organism – person,
a sited body, lives as one site that is composed of many sites. One can, for example, consider one’s arms and legs to be part of a single site (the body) or elect them to be two sites (an upper – appendages realm and a lower – appendages one) or four (two upper and two lower appendages) or twenty – four or more sites (two arms having a total of ten fingers, and two legs with ten toes in all).
Text quoted from: “Architectural Body”, Madeline Gins and Arakawa (2002, The University of Alabama Press)

All Produced, Composed by

Keiichiro Shibuya (ATAK)

Piano, Rhodes, Noise and Computer Programming by

Keiichiro Shibuya (ATAK)

Voice by Tr.6, 8 by

Madeline Gins

Recorded by

Takashi Ikegami (Tokyo University)

Recorded for Piano and Rhodes on Tr.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 17 by

Yoshiyuki Kanamori (Oasis sound design inc.)

Mastered by

Kimken (kimken studio)

Art works by

Shusaku Arakawa “Bonjour Picasso” 1973

Designed by

Ryoji Tanaka (ATAK, Semitransparent Design)

Printed by



©Madeline Gins, courtesy of ABRF, Inc.

ATAK019 Soundtrack for Children who won't die, Shusaku Arakawa Keiichiro Shibuya

Tr. 15
Landing Sites Madeline Gins and Arakawa


Were nothing being apportioned out, no world could form. What is being apportioned out, no one is able to say. That which is being apportioned out is in the process of landing. To be apportioned out involves being cognizant of sites.To be cognizant of a site amounts to having greeted it in some manner or to having in some way landed on it. There is that which gets apportioned out as the world. There is an apportioning out that can register and an apportioning out that happens more indeterminately.A systematic approximating of how things are apportioned out should be possible.


The body is sited. As that which initiates pointing, selecting, electing, determining, and considering, it may be said to originate (read co-originate) all sites. Organism – person – environment consists of sites and would – be sites. An organism – person,
a sited body, lives as one site that is composed of many sites. One can, for example, consider one’s arms and legs to be part of a single site (the body) or elect them to be two sites (an upper – appendages realm and a lower – appendages one) or four (two upper and two lower appendages) or twenty – four or more sites (two arms having a total of ten fingers, and two legs with ten toes in all).
Text quoted from: “Architectural Body”, Madeline Gins and Arakawa (2002, The University of Alabama Press)

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