2015 10 15

Talk: Hiroshi Ishiguro × Keiichiro Shibuya × Takashi Ikegami – Live Demonstration: Keiichiro Shibuya × Kouka-roid Live demonstration

5 -Hiroshi Ishiguro- Keiichiro Shibuya-photo-Justine Emard- Palais de Tokyo

Talk and Live event in the exhibition “STANCE or DISTANCE?” at Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto.
The exhibitor Hiroshi Ishiguro(roboticist at Osaka University) , Keiichiro Shibuya(musician), and Takashi Ikegami(complex system researcher at Tokyo University) talk about the relationship of art and science. After the talk, Shibuya plays with android robot Kouka-roid.

Hiroshi Ishiguro(roboticist at Osaka University)
Keiichiro Shibuya(musician)
Takashi Ikegami(complex system researcher at Tokyo University)
Kohei Ogawa(Osaka University)

Live Demonstration:
Keiichiro Shibuya × Kouka-roid

Sun, 6 Dec 2015 19:00 ~

Home gallery and Gallery I, Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto.

To join, please apply by double postcard. Dead line is the end of October.